Welcome to the website of the European funded project entitled:
Women Entrepreneurs: Inspire Us!
Agreement number: 2018-1-CY01-KA204-046915
The main focus of INSPIRE US! Project is to empower young women with skills and knowledge and enhance their aptitude towards entrepreneurial actions .This will be achieved through the development of training programmes and tools based on the most innovative practices of recent way of life of millennials.
INSPIRE US! is funded by the ERASMUS+ programme 2018 under the key action entitled “Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices” in Adults Education. The project is implemented by 6 partners from 6 different EU countries (Cyprus, Portugal, German, Slovenia, Greece, Italy)
The duration of the project is 24 months (Project start date: 01/11/2018, Project end date: 31/10/2020)
INSPIRE US! aims to bright in light the crucial link between internal motivation and business creation. The project aims to empower women would-be-entrepreneurs by giving them the opportunity to be benefitted directly from up‐to‐date knowledge in this rapidly‐changing world, and to motivate them to take the risk, develop their own business ideas and become successful “winners” entrepreneurs.
The choice of the partners was made after careful consideration to ensure that the project would bring together the best possible expertise and knowledge on the topic at hand. The project will be implemented in 6 countries (Cyprus, Portugal, Germany, Italy, Greece and Slovenia) with the resourceful collaboration of 6 involved organisations.
In this section you can find all relevant information about the activities implemented from our team throughout the project duration.
Stay tuned in so that you don’t miss anything!